12 research outputs found

    a bottom-up approach for model-based software development

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    Models in software engineering are descriptive structures so that transformations can connect their contents at a semantic level. In model-based software development, algorithmic program code usually exists alongside models - derived from them or with the purpose to amend them. While thus both kinds of notations must be considered by developers, no consistent mapping is given since transformations between models and code are usually unidirectional for code generation. This impedes a continuous integration of both, limits the applicability of models, and prevents error tracking and monitoring at run time with respect to models. In this thesis, the approach of embedded models is introduced. Embedded models define patterns in program code whose elements have formal relations to models and can be executed by reflection at the same time. Model specifications are thus embedded in implementations and can be accessed by bidirectional transformations for design, verification, execution, and monitoring. The thesis focuses on the development of such patterns and their precise description as well as on the connection to other program code surrounding embedded models. Implementations are described for two modeling domains, state machines and process models, including tools for design, verification, execution, monitoring, and design recovery. The approach is evaluated with two case studies, the modeling of a real-world load generator for performance tests and the development of model-based educational graphical scenarios for university teaching. Both case studies show that the approach is valid and fulfills its purpose for a certain class of applications. Focusing on the integration in implementations, embedded models are thus a bottom-up approach for model-based software development

    Long-Term Behaviour of ETFE-Films

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    Penelitian berjudul Pengaruh status pernikahan terhadap motivasi kerja karyawan di YOGYA Center Terusan Buah batu, Bandung. Tujuan penelitian untuk mengetahui pengaruh status pernikahan terhadap motivasi karyawan YOGYA Center Terusan Buah batu, Bandung. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode deskriptif. Adapun teknik pengumpulan data melalui observasi, wawancara dan kuesioner. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan Status pernikahan berpengaruh terhadap motivasi karyawan pada pada YOGYA Center Terusan Buah batu, Bandung. Status pernikahan dinilai baik, karena nilai rata-rata keseluruhan pernyataan adalah sebesar 3,83 berada pada interval 3,40 – 4,19. Akan tetapi masih terdapat elemenelemen yang perlu diperhatikan dan ditindaklanjuti karena memiliki nilai di bawah rata-rata. Motivasi karyawan YOGYA Center Terusan Buah batu, Bandung. dapat dikatakan tinggi, karena nilai rata-rata keseluruhan pernyataan adalah sebesar 3,95 berada pada interval 3,40-4,19. Akan tetapi masih terdapat elemen-elemen yang perlu diperhatikan dan ditindaklanjuti karena memiliki nilai di bawah rata-rata. Hasil uji korelasi menunjukkan Status pernikahan dengan Motivasi karyawan pada YOGYA Center Terusan Buah batu, Bandung memiliki hubungan yang kuat sebesar 0.617. Hasil uji koefisien determinasi status pernikahan memberikan kontribusi pada Motivasi karyawan sebesar 38,06%, sisanya sebesar 61,94% dipengaruhi oleh variabel lainnya yang tidak terukur. Hasil uji hipotesis nilai hitung t lebih besar dari tabel t (7.76> 1,660), maka Ho ditolak dan Ha diterima, artinya Status pernikahan berpengaruh positif terhadap Motivasi karyawan

    Representing Formal Component Models in OSGi

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    Abstract: Formal component models have been subject to research for decades, but current component frameworks hardly reflect their capabilities with respect to com-position, dependency management and interaction modeling. Thus the frameworks don’t exploit the benefits of formal component models like understandability and ease of maintenance, which are enabled when software is composed of hierarchical and reusable components that are loosely coupled, self-describing and self-contained. In this contribution, we try to examine the discrepancies between the state of research and the capabilities of an existing module framework, the widely-used OSGi bundle management framework for the Java platform. Based on this we propose modifications and enhancements to the OSGi framework that allow to exploit the benefits of formal component models in OSGi-based applications.

    Adaptive User Profiles in Pervasive Advertising Environments

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    Abstract: Nowadays modern advertising environments try to provide more effi-cient ads by targeting costumers based on their interests. Various approaches exist today as to how information about the users ’ interests can be gathered. Users can deliberately and explicitly provide this information or user’s shopping behaviors can be analyzed implicitly. We implemented an advertising platform to simulate an advertising environment and present adaptive profiles, which let users setup pro-files, based on a self-assessment, and enhance those profiles with information about their real shopping behavior as well as about their activity intensity. Addi-tionally we explain how pervasive technologies such as Bluetooth can be used to create a profile anonymously and unobtrusively.

    Quantitative Analyse

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